Microsoft® Windows® 10 or Higher Upgrade Recommended  

If you are on an older version of the Windows operating system, it is strongly recommended that, if possible, you upgrade to Windows 10 or Higher for the desktop or Windows 2019 Server. For users who do not regularly install the available Windows updates, upgrading to Windows 10 may save many hours or even days of installing back-logged Windows updates to allow the current version of Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7.1 to install properly. When .NET 4.7.1 is not installed properly, PC*MILER won’t open. For more on the .NET installation, please see the last note below. (Note: PC*MILER 36 and higher have been certified to work with Windows 11.)

Running PC*MILER on a Virtual Machine

If you're planning to run PC*MILER on a virtual machine (VM), please keep the following in mind to avoid errors:

  • When cloning a VM with VMWare or other software, do not run PC*MILER on the cloned VM.
  • If posssible, always update the VM's CPU resources before installing PC*MILER.
  • If you have to update the CPU resources after PC*MILER is installed, you must first deactivate the PC*MILER license and then re-activate the license after the CPU resource change is made to the VM. 

Who Should Run PC*MILER in Administrator Mode?  

If you’re on an operating system that is stricter about permissions, such as Windows Server, please consider running PC*MILER in Administrator Mode to avoid possible problems when using the application. 

Your license may need to be installed and activated using an Administrator Account. Once installed, you do not have to Run as Administrator provided you install to the recommended default directory or to another directory that doesn’t require users to Run as AdministratorAdditionally, the administrator should grant write permissions to the PC*MILER default directory since some of the newer operating systems require an administrator to grant these write permissions.

It is strongly recommended that you avoid installing to the Program Files or Program Files (x86) folder. If you need to do so, you’ll have to Run as Administrator when you open PC*MILER.

PC*MILER Interfaces

For those who interface any PC*MILER component to a transportation management, logistics management or other third party software system, please contact the vendor directly to make sure that the interface to this new version of PC*MILER is updated and complete before you install.

Access to Updates and Patches

Check the PC*MILER Updater frequently for posted updates and patches applicable to your license type and components. In PC*MILER, go the Help tab > Check for Updates.

Data Install File Names

It is important that you do not change the name of the install folder or zip file for data installers. Installers will use the folder name to update the updatehistory.dat file, which PC*MILER uses to track whether an update has been applied. 

Automatic Installation of Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7.1

PC*MILER will automatically install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 if it is not already installed. This upgrade resolves some feature display issues that occurred previously in PC*MILER for users of Windows 8.1, 10 and Server 2012 operating systems. Note that if PC*MILER is being installed from a network, the .NET installation may fail on some machines due to attributes of the installation that we cannot control. If this occurs, you can copy the PC*MILER installation to the local machine and install from there. 

If the .NET Framework installation described above is performed, you must reboot when prompted to!  PC*MILER won’t open properly without a reboot first. To ensure correct .NET functionality, We strongly encourage users to apply all available Windows Updates. Without the most recent updates, PC*MILER could fail to launch.