Part of the power of PC*MILER is its ability to generate many different routes between the same origin and destinations, based on your needs and preferences. Some of the PC*MILER features that can help you plan the best routes and get the most accurate rating information for your vehicles, include:

Duplicating a Route for Easy Comparison

To duplicate a route either before or after it is run, select the Routes tab > Duplicate.  This option makes it easy to compare different route types for the same route.

Working with Multiple Routes and Windows

You may want to route through different locations while keeping the routes you already generated open. Up to eight route windows can be open simultaneously. The active route window will be highlighted. When there are hidden or partially hidden routes open, a scroll bar will appear on the right side of the Routes pane. 


Each open route will be drawn in a different color in the map window. Routes are identified by name and color in the Route Legend, and their corresponding route color appears on the left side of each individual route window. (If the Route legend is not visible, select the Map tab > Legends > Route.)

To adjust the layout of windows and reports, use the Windows toolbar on the Ribbon.

Moving and Copying Stops

Stops on a stop list can be copied or moved from one route window to another, or moved to a different position in the same window. A waypoint can also be copied or moved, but if it is moved to the Origin or Destination position on the stop list it will become a stop rather than a waypoint.     

To copy a stop to another route window

  • Left click the stop name while holding down the Ctrl key.
  • Drag the stop onto the stop list in the target window.
  • Let go when the stop is in the desired position on the list.


  • Right click the stop name.
  • Select Copy To > and select a route window.
  • The stop will be copied to the end of the stop list in the target window.

To move a stop to another route window

  • Left click the stop and drag it to a different route window.


  • Right click the stop name.
  • Select Move To > and select a route window.
  • The stop will be moved to the end of the stop list in the target window

To move a stop to a new position in the same window

  • Left click the stop and drag it to a different position on the stop list.


  • Right click the stop name.
  • Select Move Up or Move Down.