Distances are calculated by first determining which roads a vehicle will travel to get between two points and then adding up the distances over each section of road to arrive at a total mileage—similar to the manual task that one might follow if using an atlas.

Routes will “clean up” to the nearest truck-usable road on the highway or local street network. This local distance equals the short air distance between where the point is plotted on the map and the closest truck-usable road. 

In the Detailed Report, which lists every route segment and interchange on a route, this distance may appear as “Local”.

Distances for Rating

PC*MILER is frequently used to generate mileage for freight rating and billing. For this purpose, most customers use the default settings, including the Default Rating Profile, when generating routes. That way, shippers and carriers can ensure they are generating the same mileage for trucking lanes, as long as they are using the same version of PC*MILER.

To learn more about creating a route in PC*MILER, go here, or watch the video below. 

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