HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetAllStateRRMileage (Trip trip, MileageStruct* combinationArray, long numCombinations)

combinationArray: the output list containing MileageStruct structures representing unique combinations of RR, state and miles for the given trip

numCombinations: the number of structures returned in the array

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetAllStateRRMileage1 (Trip trip, char *mileageBuffer, long bufferSize)

mileageBuffer: output list of unique combinations of RR, state and miles for the given trip

bufferSize: the length of the mileageBuffer


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetStateMiles (Trip trip, int stIndx, long *pMiles, char *stAbbr)

stIndx: state index #

pMiles: state miles

stAbbr: state abbreviation


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetStateRRMiles (Trip trip, int stIndx, short rrNum, long *pMiles)

stIndx: state index # (see Appendix E for a list of state index numbers)

rrNum: RR number

pMiles: state miles


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetMaxStates (short *maxStates)

maxStates: max # of states

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetMaxStateRRs (short *maxStateRRs)

maxStateRRs: max # of RRs per state