HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSAddStop(Trip trip, char *stopName, char *rrIn, char *geoChar)

stopName: placeName or geocode

geoChar: City, SPLC, FSAC, ERPC, or Rule260

rrIn: railroad SCAC (e.g. ‘CN’, ‘CPRS’, etc)


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSDeleteStop(Trip trip, int which)

which: stop # to delete (Note: first stop is index 0)


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetNumStops(Trip trip, int *pNumStops)

pNumStops: # of stops in route


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSClearStops(Trip trip)


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetStop(Trip trip, int which, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *numchars, char *rr)

which: index # of desired stop (Note: first stop is index 0)

buffer: character buffer into which message (stop name) will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into ‘buffer’

numchars: actual # of bytes copied to ‘buffer’

rr: railroad for given stop

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSRRLookup(Trip trip, char *geoName, char *geoChar, int *numMatches)

geoName: placeName or geocode

geoChar: City, SPLC, FSAC, ERPC, or Rule260

numMatches: actual # railroads found

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetRRMatch(Trip trip, int which, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *numchars)

which: index # of desired geocode result line (Note: first match is index 0)

buffer: character buffer into which message (geocode result) will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into ‘buffer’

numchars: actual # of bytes copied to ‘buffer’

HRESULT PCRSJunctionLookup(Trip tripID, char *rrin, char *rrOut, int *numMatches)

rrIn, rrOut: railroad SCAC (e.g. “NS”, “UP”, etc.)

numMatches: number of junctions matched


HRESULT PCRSGetJunctionMatch(Trip tripID, int which, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *pNumChars)

which: index # of desired geocode result line (Note: first match is index 0)

buffer: character buffer into which output geocode will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into 'buffer'

numchars: actual # of bytes copied to 'buffer'

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGeoLookup(Trip trip, char *geoName, char *geoChar, char *rrIn, int *numMatches)

geoName: placeName or geocode

geoChar: City, SPLC, FSAC, ERPC, or Rule260

rrIn: railroad SCAC (e.g. ‘KCS’, ‘CN’, etc)

numMatches: actual # places found


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetNumGeoMatches(Trip trip, int *numMatches)

numMatches: actual # places found

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetGeoMatch(Trip trip, int which, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *numchars)

which: index # of desired geocode result line (Note: first match is index 0)

buffer: character buffer into which message (geocode result) will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into ‘buffer’

numchars: actual # of bytes copied to ‘buffer’

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSRRName2Num (char *rr, short *pRRNum)

rr: railroad SCAC code (eg. ‘KCS’,’CN’ etc)

pRRNum: railroad AAR#


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSRRNum2Name (short rrNum, char *rrBuf)

rrNum: railroad AAR#

rrBuf: railroad SCAC code (eg. ‘KCS’,’CN’ etc)


HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSConvertGeoCode(char *geoName, char *geoCharFrom, char *geoCharTo, char *rr, char *buffer, int bufSize, int *numchars)

geoName: placeName or geocode

geoCharFrom: City, SPLC, FSAC, ERPC, or Rule260

geoCharTo: City, SPLC, FSAC, ERPC, or Rule260

rr: railroad SCAC (e.g. ‘KCS’, ‘CN’, etc)

buffer: character buffer into which message (geocode result) will be placed

bufSize: maximum # of bytes that can be copied into ‘buffer’

numMatches: actual # of bytes copied to ‘buffer’

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSSwitchDataSet (int DataSetID)

DataSetID: Base dataset or one of three quarterly updates, e.g. ’24.0_BASE’, ’24.1_UPDATE’, etc.

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSIsUpdateAvailable (int DataSetID)

DataSetID: Base dataset or one of three quarterly updates, e.g. ’24.0_BASE’, ’24.1_UPDATE’, etc.

HRESULT _PCRSFN PCRSGetAvailableUpdates (int *dataSet_1, int *dataSet_2, int *dataset_3)

(for each dataset, int* argument returns 1 if available, 0 if not)