PC*MILER|Energy is a data add-on feature that can calculate routes to and from wells, well to well, or from public to private oil and gas lease roads when operating in the patch. 

To use that data with PC*MILER|Connect: You need to change the map data set to NA – Energy Streets in the PC*MILER user interface. (Go to the Map tab > Change Data Set.) North America must be set as the default region.

Additionally, PC*MILER|Streets must be licensed and installed, and street-level routing must be turned on (by default, PC*MILER|Connect is configured to run in highway-only mode). It is suggested that you use the function PCMSSetRouteLevel to activate street-level routing. 

The following sample code shows what you need to activate street-level routing:

PCMServerID server = PCMSOpenServer(NULL, NULL); 
// NOTE: OpenServer and CloseServer should be executed 
sparingly due to excess overhead. 
Trip trip = PCMSNewTrip(server); 
PCMSSetRouteLevel(trip, TRUE); // turn streets on 
PCMSAddStop(trip,"Philadelphia, PA"); 
PCMSAddStop(trip,"Hamilton, NJ"); 
PCMSSetCalcType(trip, CALC_NATIONAL); 