
int PCMSLatLongAtMinutes(Trip trip, long minutes, char *latlong, BOOL useShpPts)


Trip trip – Handle to a trip.

long minutes – Minutes into the trip from the origin.

char *latlong – Text written into the buffer in the form latitude,longitude.

BOOL useShpPts – Should always be set to true for the greatest accuracy.



Determines the latitude/longitude at a specific number of minutes into the trip from the origin.

Return Values 

Standard Returns


Sample Code 

               minutes = 0;
               while (minutes < tripTime)
                               memset(latlong, 0, BUFLEN);
                               PCMSLatLongAtMinutes(trip, minutes, latlong, bUseShapePoints);
                               Log_Pcmstest("LL at %d minutes: %s", minutes, latlong);
                               minutes += 1;

Supported Since: PC*MILER|Connect 12

Category: Trip Management