
int PCMSSetHOSAvailableTime(Trip trip, drivingTimeUntilRestBreakinMinutes, drivingTimeUntilEODinMinutes, onDutyTimeUntilEODinMinutes, onDutyTimeUntilEOWinMinutes)


Trip trip – Handle to a trip.

drivingTimeUntilRestBreakinMinutes – Time in minutes of continuous drive time the driver has left before a 30-minute rest break is required. A hard limit of 480 minutes (8 hours) will be enforced for this value.

drivingTimeUntilEODinMinutes – Time in minutes of total drive time the driver has left in their work day before a 10-hour break is required. A hard limit of 660 minutes (11 hours) will be enforced for this value.

onDutyTimeUntilEODinMinutes – Time in minutes of total on-duty time the driver has left in their work day before a 10-hour break is required. A hard limit of 840 minutes (14 hours) will be enforced for this value.

onDutyTimeUntilEOWinMinutes – Time in minutes of total on-duty time the driver has left in their work week before a 34-hour break is required.  A hard limit of 3,600 or 4,200 minutes will apply, depending on the 60/70 hour schedule set with PCMSSetHOSWeekSchedule.


Sets the Hours of Service (HOS) time available at the origin of the trip. This API will only work for trips that contain at least one stop in the U.S. The times provided in the parameters will be validated to ensure all values conform to HOS rules.

Return Values 

Returns zero (0) upon success. A negative one (-1) indicates an error has occurred.

Sample Code

Trip trip = PCMSNewTrip(server);
PCMSAddStop(trip, "08540");
PCMSAddStop(trip, "30301");

PCMSSetHOSAvailableTime(trip, drivingTimeUntilRestBreakInMinutes, drivingTimeUntilEODInMinutes, onDutyTimeUntilEODInMinutes, onDutyTimeUntilEOWInMinutes);

FindHOSStop(server, trip);

Supported Since: PC*MILER|Connect 29

Category: Hours of Service