
int PCMSSetVehicleConfig  (Trip tripID, int units, int overPerm, double height, double width, double length, long weight, int axle, int lcv)


Trip trip – Handle to a trip.

int units – False corresponds to English and True to Metric.

int overPerm – Should be set to True if the vehicle weight exceeds 80,000 lbs./36,287 kgs. (Assumes that an oversize permit has been obtained.)

double height – The truck height in inches or meters depending upon units; maximum = 162 inches/4.11 meters. No minimum.

double width – The truck width in inches or meters depending upon units; maximum = 102 inches/2.59 meters. No minimum.

double length – The truck length in feet or meters depending upon units; maximum = 80 feet/24.38 meters. No minimum.

long weight – The truck weight in pounds or kilos depending upon units; maximum = 132,000 lbs./ 59,874 kgs. No minimum.

int axle – The number of axles on the truck, used only for toll cost calculation (does not affect routing). Note that 2-axle includes 2-axle dual rear wheel vehicles only. Any value can be entered. Typical values are 2 (indicating an automobile) or 5 (indicating a truck).

int lcv – Identifies a long combination (multiple trailer) vehicle if set to True.


Generates a route and receives toll-cost information based on a truck’s height, width, length, weight, and axle configuration. This configuration information is checked against the threshold at which a truck becomes “oversized” and appropriate routing is generated.

All parameters are required for this function, but only the weight, axle number, and lcv (multiple trailer) parameters affect toll cost reporting. (A license for PC*MILER|Tolls is required.)

Return Values 

Returns zero (0) upon success. A negative one (-1) indicates that one or all of the length, width, height, or weight values are outside of the acceptable range and none of the vehicle configuration values will be set for this trip.


Sample Code

Trip trip = PCMSNewTrip(server);
// Drivers starts their trip with a trailer in
// in a specific configuration.
ret = PCMSSetVehicleConfig(trip, 0, 0, 120, 96, 48, 80000, 5, 0);
ret = PCMSCalcTrip(trip, "19104", "51001");

// At their first stop they change trailers so we
//update the vehicle configuration for the next leg
ret = PCMSSetVehicleConfig(trip, 0, 0, 120, 102, 53, 100000, 5, 0);
ret = PCMSCalcTrip(trip, "51001", "91001");

Supported Since: PC*MILER|Connect 22

Category: Trip Options