Between version releases of PC*MILER, updates and patches are periodically made available as the need arises. These may include corrections to any reported errors in the software or map data or access to updated data releases (for applicable products and license types*). These patches and updates are cumulative. They include items from previously released patches/updates of the same type.  

ALK strongly recommends checking for the most current updates regularly. This is recommended for all users, but particularly important for PC*MILER|Tolls users.

*If a PC*MILER product was purchased along with signing up for the ALK Annual Support & Update Program (AUP license purchase), customers are entitled to use PC*MILER during the term of their agreement and also to receive data updates when available. AUP licensed users will have access to the base version data set as well as to more recently released data sets.  

For those who do not sign up for the AUP, PC*MILER is purchased as a Perpetual license which entitles the licensed user to available software patches released for the purchased version. For more information on upgrading a Perpetual license to an AUP license, please contact an Enterprise Solutions account executive at 800.377.6453 ext. 1.