The PC*MILER-AS/400 system uses distributed processing techniques (i.e. the processing is split into two). The user interface or interactive software is written in RPG and runs on the AS/400. Small CL programs are used for the creation and removal of temporary data queues (output or response queues). The mileage calculation software is written in C++ and runs on a PC in the Windows environment.
The RPG programs communicate with the PC mileage calculation software through Client Access Express. The interactive software on the AS/400 allows multiple users to look up point-to-point mileage and routes for up to thirty stop-off points. The Windows server application creates a data queue on the AS/400 at startup called MIDQUE. The server application waits for mileage requests and processes them when received. While the server application is waiting for work to do, the PC can be used for other tasks such as PC*MILER graphics or RUMBA terminal emulation.
The program TOLLINQ contains two subroutines that can be used to integrate miles with other transportation software. The subroutine SNDREQ sends mileage requests to PC*MILER and the subroutine RSLT receives mileage results from PC*MILER. The subroutine PLOT can be used to send graphics requests for ETA truck display of graphics.
For example, a truck or vehicle ID’s Lat/Long, ZIP, or city name position can be sent to the PC using PLOT and the “DT” request. Then a “DR” request with the truck’s origin and destination can be sent so that a graphical ETA can be determined. The data structures of these subroutines are described below.
The PC Mileage Server can respond to a total of thirteen types of mileage and graphic requests:
VN = Version of PC*MILER Highway Data being used by the server
VA = Validation that a stop (City, ZIP code, etc.) is recognized by PC*MILER or a list of possible matches to a partial city or ZIP code
MI = Total mileage for up to 30 stops
SM = Total mileage for up to 30 stops broken down by state or province
HS = Turn-by-turn driving instructions for up to 30 stops
LL = Returns the lat/long coordinates for a city or address (PC*MILER|Streets only)
DR = Draw Route for up to 30 Stops
DT = Draw up to 30 truck bitmaps or “push pins” on the map
CT = Clear Truck bitmap from a specified location
CR = Clear a drawn route line
CA = Clear all routes and trucks
PR = Print route
PA = Print all
The PC Mileage Server responds with the following types of returns
VR Version of PC*MILER or PC*MILER|Streets running on the PC
PL Good/Bad Stop or a ‘pick list’ of potential matches
CP Total Miles for a trip
SR Total Miles for a trip broken down by state or province
HR Turn-by-turn driving instructions or “highway segments”
VN returns a VR
VA returns a PL
MI returns a CP
SM returns a CP and an SR.
HS returns a CP, an SR and an HR
LL returns an LR