
int PCMSNumMatches(Trip trip)


Trip trip – Handle to a trip.


Gets the number of matches of the last call to PCMSLookup.

Return Values 

Returns the number of matches of the last call to PCMSLookup.

Sample Code 

char buffer[255];

\* Lookup all cities that match *\
matches = PCMSLookup(trip, "PRI*, NJ", 0);
printf ("%d matching cities to 'PRI*, NJ'\n", matches);

\* Show all the matching cities. Note: You could use variable ‘matches’ below instead, since PCMSNumMatches() == matches.*\
for (i = 0; i < PCMSNumMatches(trip); i++)
                 PCMSGetMatch(trip, i, buffer, 25);
                 printf ("[%s]\n", buffer);

Supported Since: PC*MILER|Connect 12

Category: Geocoding