
int PCMSMatrixGetCell(long origIndex, long destIndex, int rptType, char *pBuffer, int bufSize)



long origIndex – The index of the origin stop.

long destIndex – The index of the destination stop.

int rptType – A value indicating what type of report information should be returned. Value range is 0 – 9, with the following types of data.

            0. Mileage – double

            1. Travel Time – double

            2. Mileage (air mileage) – double

            3. Toll Miles – double

            4. Toll Amount –  double

            5. Miles by State – a string starting with ‘<’ and ending with ‘>’.  

                The contents of the string will be state:mileage.  

                Example: <NJ:51.2|NY:34.2>

            6. Toll Miles by State – same as above

            7. Computation Time – integer in milliseconds

            8. Initiated Route Computation – true if tried to run route

            9. Successful Route Computation – true if the route computation is successful

char *pBuffer – A pre-allocated memory buffer that will be filled with a delimited string containing the desired information.

int bufSize – The number of bytes in the buffer.


Allows the retrieval of certain pieces of information from a specific cell in the trip matrix.

Return Values 

An integer return code. Negative one (-1) indicates that the product is not licensed for RouteMatrix.

Supported Since: PC*MILER|Connect 26

Category: Matrix Functions