PC*MILER for the AS/400 works by connecting a 32-bit Windows PC to your AS/400. With the Multi-Version Switch (MVS), multiple PC*MILER versions are made available via a bundling of one or more instances of PC*MILER|TCP/IP (pcmsock.exe). AS/400 users communicate only with the PC mileage server (as400.exe).

PC*MILER for the AS/400 was developed using the data queue facilities of IBM’s Client Access Express. You must have this connectivity product installed and properly configured on the mileage server PC.

Installation Overview

On the AS/400 side you will be performing a RSTLIB on your ALKMVS or ALKMTL (for PC*MILER|Tolls) Library CD. On the PC side, you can install using automated installation.

AS/400 Side Installation

First install the resident AS/400 software on your AS/400.  Sign on to QSECOFR or an account with equivalent authorities. Place the CD in the optical drive and follow the instructions below.

1. Create a library with the CRTLIB command. Type CRTLIB ALKMVS or ALKMTL for Tolls.


2. Add the library to the current library list.  Type ADDLIBLE ALKMVS or ALKMTL for Tolls. For Innovative Computing Corporation installations, you will also need your ICC WORK and FILE libraries in your current library list.  For Version R6, type ADDLIBLE I93FILE or ITSR6FILE and then ADDLIBLE I93WORK or ITSR6WORK. The ICC Version 7 libraries are IESR7WORK and IESR7FILE.  (Call ICC if you don’t know which version you are running.)

  • Command for restoring from CD: rstlib savlib(ALKMVS) dev(opt01) vol(ALKMVS) Label(ALKMVS) mbropt(*all) alwobjdif(*all) rstlib(ALKMVS); where opt01 is your CD/DVD drive. Make sure all objects were restored. You can ignore security warning messages. It is okay if MIDQUE does not restore because this file is created later on.

  • For Tolls: rstlib savlib(ALKMTL) dev(opt01) vol(ALKMTL) Label(ALKMTL) mbropt(*all) alwobjdif(*all) rstlib(ALKMTL)

  • The ALKMVS and ALKMTL Library CD were created using Kisco Information Systems’ BlueCD, which allows you to create AS/400 readable SAVLIBs on a PC CD writer. A small percentage of users may have difficulty restoring the ALKMVS Library with the above command. If you experience problems: Type RSTLIB, then:
    • Specify the library ALKMVS or ALKMTL and the appropriate optical device
    • Press <F10> for more options
    • Specify *ALL on database member options
    • Specify *ALL on allow object differences.

3. The system administrator should make the library ALKMVS or ALKMTL available to users at sign-on time. There are two ways to insert ALKMVS into the library list:

  • The WRKSYSVAL command can be used by typing WRKSYSVAL, and then searching for the QUSRLIBL entry.  Insert ALKMVS.
  • If your users are using a job description in their user profiles, then use the CHGJOBD command (type CHGJOBD) and insert ALKMVS or ALKMTL.

For Innovative Computing installations, a command is available to help insert a library into the library list.  ALKMVS should be the first library in the library list.  (NOTE: Run this command from a typical ICC user account or profile, not QSECOFR.) Enter the following:



   (insert) ALKMVS or ALKMTL


4.  To grant object authority to library ALKMVS, enter the following:

                        GRTOBJAUT  (press <F4>)

                        object = *ALL

                        library = ALKMVS or ALKMTL

                        objtype = *ALL

                        users = *public

                        authority = *ALL

NOTE:  For ICC Users only (Be sure to do this!)  Type the ‘mvsfig’  or ‘mtlfig’ command from the AS/400 command line after the restore of the library, then change the library for the location of mileage data queues from ALKMVS to your ICC Work library and change the ICC Support Short Code names flag from ‘N’ to ‘Y’.  Depending on the version of your ICC software, your library will be I93WORK, ITSR6WORK, or IESR7WORK. Check with ICC for this name.

NOTE Also:  The AS/400 side and the PC Side must match which library the Mileage Request or input data queue resides in.  You will be prompted during the PC Side Installation for your data queue location, or there is an option to change it in the mileage server window (File > AS/400 Control > Data Queue Library).

PC Side Automated Installation

The automated process is currently available for versions 26 and higher to new users of MVS and for those who are adding one or more versions to an existing MVS installation. All versions for which the user is licensed will be installed.

1. Download Multi-Version Switch using the link provided in the email you received from ALK when the product was purchased.

2. Run the setup.exe, which will create and install files to: C:\ALK Technologies\ALKMVS\ALKMTL (for AS/400 installs)


If you purchased the PC*MILER|Tolls, you will get a prompt during installation asking whether to install both PC*MILER|Tolls and PC*MILER for the AS/400.

  • Answering "Yes" will turn off the Tolls component and install an ICC-compatible version of PC*MILER.
  • Answering "No" will install the PC*MILER|Tolls version of PC*MILER. (ICC users and users of third-party or custom in-house transportation software should click "Yes".)