PC*MILER-AS/400 Multi-Version Switch is a modified version of PC*MILER|Connect-AS/400. PC*MILER-AS/400 Multi-Version Switch has an additional trip parameter available that enables the user to specify or “Switch” between various versions of PC*MILER.  

Currently PC*MILER versions 14.x and higher, Tolls versions 18 and higher, and Worldwide versions 18.1 and higher are supported. (Note that there are no xx.1 versions beginning with Version 28). 

PC*MILER-AS/400 Multi-Version Switch is licensed in addition to any PC*MILER versions a company has purchased. You will have to make use of the “MV” request to verify what versions are available. Passing blanks will result in the use of Product0 from your Srv32.ini file.

For Versions 27 and Higher

Starting with Version 27, socket software is now automatically installed. Instead of running a self-extracting zip file like V27MVS.exe to install the socket layer for your MVS, usage will be installed automatically. Be sure that your 25-digit product key code includes the MVS|Connect component as in the following example:

== PC*MILER 29, (=MVS=), Canadian Postal Codes, Tolls, Streets Canada, Streets US, Hazmat, SPLCs, MVS|Connect

IMPORTANT: Do not rename the PCMILERXX folder that gets created!  Having ‘PCMILERXX’ as the parent is required

NOTE: Some features supported in PC*MILER|Connect are not supported in MVS, including RouteMatrix, RouteSync, Time-Based Routing, Traffic, and Weather. Also, the API PCMSGetFmtMatch4 is currently not available for MVS.

For Versions 20 to 27

New Naming Convention for PC*MILER|Tolls Codes

Up until Version 20.1, there was only a .0 release of the Tolls products and the convention for the PC*MILER version code was to end Tolls versions with a capital “T”, for example, “18T”.

The new PC*MILER|Tolls code convention is for the .0 version to end in “T” and the .1 version to end in capital “U”. For example, “22T” for Tolls 22.0 and “22U” for Tolls 22.1.  Use a capital ‘W’ for Worldwide versions. For example, 21W for PC*MILER|Worldwide Version 21.1.

NOTE:  For versions above 27, there is no longer a “.1” version.

Borders Open/Closed and Use Ferry Distance Options 

The first two characters of the four character “Request Sequence” have been remapped to hold the Borders and Ferry flags. Historically the Request Sequence values have been ignored by the PC Distance Server. Unlike other trip options, Border and Ferry settings are not echoed back in the responses from the PC.

For  the Optional HazMat Routing package, two new routing types have been added: Caustic and Flammable.

For Versions 17 and Up

The routing type options have changed for National Network, Toll Discouraged, and 53’ Trailer routing. These three ‘special’ routing options now can be generated in combination with the ‘Practical’ or ‘Shortest’ options.  Additionally, National Network or 53’ Trailer routing can be combined with the Toll Discouraged options. 

The only way to take advantage of this new functionality is to pass in the new code in position 1 of the Request Options.   (See new codes below.)

Previously the five available codes were:

P = Practical

S = Shortest

N = National Network

T = Toll Discouraged

5 = 53 Foot Trailer

New codes:

= Practical

= Shortest

= Toll Discouraged/Practical

C = National Network/Practical

D = 53 Foot Trailer/Practical

E = Toll Discouraged/National Network/Practical

F = Toll Discouraged/53 Foot Trailer/Practical

G = Toll Discouraged/Shortest

H = National Network/Shortest

I  = 53 Foot Trailer/Shortest

J = Toll Discouraged/National Network/Shortest

K = Toll Discouraged/53 Foot Trailer/Shortest

Use of the old codes is still supported, no changes are required. Old codes for National Network (N), Toll Discouraged (T), and 53 Foot Trailer (5) will be generated using the Practical network. Changing this default to the Shortest network is not possible.


NOTE:  For users upgrading from PC*MILER|Streets, the Light/Heavy vehicle option has been renamed to "Override Restrictions". Parameter codes have changed from L (Light) to Y (Override Restrictions) and H (Heavy) to N (Obey Restrictions). Use of L and H is still supported.


For Version 16

The HS (Turn-by-Turn Driving Instructions) return packet was changed from previous versions. The fields for Route and Interchange were lengthened and the number of sets of route information was reduced from 4 sets per packet to 3 for the original release of the MVS and Tolls servers and to 9 for this release.

For Versions 14 and 15

Users of PC*MILER Versions 14 and 15 must type a comma between the city and the state or province. For Version 16 and up the comma between the city and state or province is optional.

PC*MILER 32 = 320