Error messages you may encounter as you use PC*MILER|Rail-BatchPro are listed in the table below with brief descriptions. Error messages appear in the .OUT output file on the line relevant to the error. If you continue to see the same error message and cannot resolve the problem, please contact ALK Technical Support.

Error Message
Action/Explanation of Error Code
Average Frequency
 "Internal memory error."
Call Technical Support
Extremely Rare.
 "Invalid argument passed into API function."
Call Technical Support
Extremely Rare.
 "Error: Previous RR does not serve this location."
Inbound and Outbound Railroads do not junction at this location.
Common; Use "AutoRoute on Error" or AutoRouter.
 "Error: Railroad stations are disconnected"
Inbound and Outbound Railroads do not junction at this location.
Common; Use "AutoRoute on Error" or AutoRouter.
 "Error: This trip contains no stops."
Either no stops or only 1 stop.
Extremely Common; A prior Geocode has failed.
 "Error: Unable to retrieve name information for given stop."
Origin or destination are invalid
Rare; Data Issue.
 "No cleanups found for one or more stops in this trip."
Origin and destination combination are invalid
Rare; Geocoding Issue.
 "Error: This trip contains no legs."
Origin and destination combination are invalid
Uncommon; Routing Error.
 "Error: Invalid network data."
Call Technical Support
Extremely Rare; Bad Configuration.
 "Error: Invalid min path data."
Call Technical Support
Extremely Rare; Bad Configuration.
 "Error: This trip contains an invalid leg."
Origin and destination combination are invalid
Uncommon; Routing Error.
 "Error: Intermodal stations were found but excluded."
Intermodal is set to exclude but the stop is using an intermodal
Common; Ensure Intermodal Options as intended.
 "Error: Station does not have intermodal service."
Route is Intermodal but the stop does not support it.
Common; Ensure Intermodal Options as intended.
 "No autoroutes were found."
The AutoRouter cannot generate a valid route given the Stops and Options.
Rare; Most AutoRoutes should succeed unless totally disconnected.
 "Routing was cancelled."
The BatchPro run was cancelled.
Extremely Rare; Only when Cancelling Interactive.
 "Unknown Error"
Call Technical Support

"TripError: "
Prefix for a Runtime Trip Error.

Prefix for a Geocode Error in a Single Line.

Prefix for a Geocode Error in the Origin.

Prefix for a Geocode Error in the Destination.


" Trip Failure, using AutoRouter."
Displays when using the "AutoRoute on Error" option and an Error Occurs.

" No implcit junctions available. AutoRouting failure."
Displays when there is no valid result from "AutoRoute on Error" attempt.

"New Car Number"
Comment displaying that there's a new Car Number.

"New Car Mark"
Comment displaying that there's a new Car Mark (ID).

"E/L Change"
Comment displaying when the Empty/Loaded status changes.