Default Region

North America is the only available region with the base version of PC*MILER.    

If PC*MILER|Worldwide or DTOD data is installed and selected under the Map menu > Change Data Set, other regions can be selected. Click the down arrow and select a region from the drop-down. Available worldwide regions are: Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and South America. The active region is displayed at the top of each new route window.   

Default Arrival/Departure

Feature Available in Version 34 and Higher 

Select Depart Now to set by default the Arrival/Departure time used in route calculations and ETA to Depart Now. This avoids the need to reset it every time a route is generated.

Data Installation and Upload Data Reminder

After the main software is installed, if a user is licensed for a particular data add-on (e.g. Energy, Worldwide Highway or a Worldwide Streets Region), that data set must also be downloaded and installed. If the Show Reminder on Startup box is checked and the data has not been installed, a pop-up reminder to install the data is displayed on startup. This pop-up also checks whether you want to use Content Tools to start creating custom Places and Route Modifiers. 

Communication and Usage & Privacy

Feature Available in Version 33 and Higher 

PC*MILER includes features to help us better communicate with users and provide a better overall user experience in future versions of PC*MILER.

Communication. Leave this box checked if you would like to receive in app messages with important product updates and tips to get the most out of PC*MILER. These messages will appear only occasionally.

Usage & Privacy. Leave this box checked if you would like to send us anonymous information about crashes or errors as well as details about how often you are accessing various features. This data will be used for future feature improvements. You can opt out of sharing this anonymous information at any time by unchecking this box. (Read our privacy policy.)

opt out
turn off messages