PC*MILER routes are calculated by a series of “costs.” Every link, every turn, every road restriction, and every road classification has an individual cost associated with it. When using Practical routing, PC*MILER weighs all of these costs to generate a route that minimizes time and actual (monetary) costs.

Based on feedback from our customers, we have lowered the cost associated with using toll roads in the routing logic for PC*MILER 32. As a result:

  • The application is more likely to generate routes that include toll roads, which are often more convenient and preferred by professional drivers.

  • The same origin and destination may generate a different route and distance (mileage) compared with prior versions of PC*MILER.

  • PC*MILER|Tolls* users will see increased toll costs in reports for routes that now include additional toll roads.  

If you still would like to generate routes that mostly discourage the use of toll roads, you can set Toll Roads to Discouraged in the Routing Preferences tab of the Route Options dialog or the current route profile. Toll Discouraged routing will avoid long stretches of toll roads but will not take long, impractical detours to avoid toll bridges and tunnels.

*Additional licensing applies.