NOTE: For PC*MILER 23/23.1 and earlier versions


You cannot have the “.0” and the “.1” release of version 14 and 15 on the same

PC because they share a common Registry Key. For example, if you need access

to versions 14.0 and 14.1, you will need to install 14.0 on one PC and 14.1 on a

second PC. For Version 16 and higher it is possible to run both the .0 and .1

releases on the same PC. Doing so does complicate the installation process.

You must pay strict attention to the installation process or you run the

risk of corrupting or overwriting existing installations. There are three "Areas of

Attention": Shared Installation GUIDs, Default Installation Locations, and

DLLPath Configuration.

NOTE: There are .1 specific builds of the installs available. Depending on the vintage of your software, your .1 setup.exe’s and MVS self extracting zip files may default to a Pmwxx1 directory. For example, Version 17.1 defaulting to Pmw171.

Shared Installation GUIDs

For Version 16.x, 17.x, and 18.x you will have to delete a reference to the

previous release installation (.0 or .1) before you can install the second release.

After installing the .0 or the .1 release and before you install the second release,

run Regedit.exe and delete the following keys:






















Without deleting these keys, running the Installshield setup.exe will take you into

Maintenance Mode and you will not be given the option of doing a full

installation. For Versions 16 and 17 this would corrupt the installation and make

them unusable. For Versions 18, 21, 22, 23, and 24, it would convert the existing

from a .0 to a .1 or vice versa.

Default Installation Locations

During the installation process you will have to be careful to redirect the

installation location away from the existing location as pictured below. Failure to

do so will result in the corruption of the existing version.

Click the Browse button to redirect the installation.

Use Pmwxx0 for the .0 releases and Pmwxx1 for the .1 releases.

For example: Pmw210 for Version 21.0 and Pmw211 for Version 21.1.

When unzipping the MVS portions of the installations (VxxxMVS.exe where xx

or xxx is the version number), be careful that the unzip is pointing to the correct

installation. Some disk sets will include VXXXcMVS.exe where the extraction is

set to a Pmwxx1 folder and the DLLPath value in the resulting pcmserve.ini is

mapped to the Pmwxx1 folder. Additionally the pcmsockXX.exe file will contain

a three-digit version.

For Versions 16 and 17, unzipping the incorrect file will corrupt the installation.

Double-check that you are running the correct file for that particular release. For

example, you must unzip V161MVS.exe into a 16.1 release and not a 16.0


DLLPath Configuration

If you had to adjust the “Unzip To Folder” value of the self extracting zip files,

you will have to edit the DllPath= value in the Pmwxxx\TcpIp\pcmserve.ini file

for that version as depicted below:


DLLPath=C:\Program Files\ALK Technologies\PMW220\app

For Versions 18 and higher it is recommended that you rename the

..\Pmwxxx\TcpIp\pcmsockxx.exe so that you can determine the version in the

Task Manager. For example, rename ...\pmw180\Tcpip\pcmsock18.exe to

pcmsock180.exe or pcmsock181.exe. You will have to edit C:\alkmvs(alktoll)\

Startmvs.bat and Killmvs.bat with the changed names.