This error is caused by a security option in Excel meant to deliberately lock out programmatic access to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) unles...
Fri, 9 Mar, 2018 at 6:41 PM
When you upgrade to a newer version of PC*MILER, the path Excel uses to find the PC*MILER|Spreadsheets add-on in your directory changes. If you open a sprea...
Fri, 9 Mar, 2018 at 3:01 PM
Yes, you can use 3-digit ZIP codes representing centralized areas in with PC*MILER|Spreadsheets. You just have to specify the state in the function. Exa...
Wed, 7 Mar, 2018 at 6:52 PM
If you experience this issue when using the PC*MILER|Spreadsheets add-in, it can be attributed to an anti-virus or anti-malware solution. If you whitel...
Wed, 27 Feb, 2019 at 6:29 PM